It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year (bp coyle)

So, here we go again. Christmas is almost upon us!

The shops are decorated, the trees have been lit up in all the town centres. Michael Buble is playing on every radio. Temperatures have plummeted.

Here we go again.

Honestly, I’m not feeling it this time. Not at all. I’m just going through the motions.

I’ve ordered the turkey, posted some cards, wrapped presents, even forced myself to sing along to the ubiquitous songs. So far nothing’s working. I need to try harder. This isn’t like me. Normally I’m am totally buzzing as soon as December starts.

I’m going to dress up warm and take a long walk through the park. On the way home I’ll pick up a bottle or two of Christmas spirit and then I’m going to stay up all night watching some Yuletide classics.

I’ll start with It’s a Wonderful Life, of course. Then Bad Santa, another of my favourites. Maybe I’ll finish off with Die Hard.

Because yes, Die Hard is a Christmas classic, regardless of what others might say.

I can feel my mood lifting already.

Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year!

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay