Pictures of You (bp coyle)

I have so many pictures of you. In various states, dressed and undressed. You always enjoyed taking a selfie.

Yet I just realised now that I only have one of us together. Unlike you, I’ve never been one of those people who like getting their photo taken. I’m kinda paranoid about it, you really had to force me to let you take that photograph. You said it was the one thing you wanted most in the world and how could I say no to that?

I remember that afternoon so well. It was raining outside. Though this is Ireland so that’s hardly anything remarkable. We’d just watched a movie. It wasn’t one either of us thought much of. We were laughing about the plot, how much it dragged and you took out your phone and said ‘Now. Let’s do it now.’

I hope you’ve found someone who lets you take their picture any time you want. I hope you have countless pictures of the two of you together.

I’m so happy to have this one. I wish I had more but there are plenty of things that I wish.

I’m looking at it now, us smiling together…

Image by Vitabello from Pixabay

The second part of the ‘Cure’ trilogy’:

Boys Don’t Cry (bp coyle)

Friday, I’m in Love (bp coyle)

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