What’s He Building In There? (bp coyle)

Since our boy dropped out of college and moved back home he hardly ever leaves his room. He seems to have no contact with his old friends, he certainly never meets up with them. He takes the dog out for an hour each evening but that is it. The door to his room is kept locked while he is gone.

Packages arrive for him most days, all shapes and sizes. Even the mailman is curious, we have never ordered things online. But we can’t tell him what is in them, we haven’t a clue. Our son collects each package with a satisfied grin and disappears back upstairs. Seventeen parcels already this month, one of them I could hardly lift.

He contributes to the rent and food budget without complaint. Every Sunday morning there is a brown envelope with two hundred dollars cash inside on the kitchen table. Who knows where the money comes from? We are so worried, he could be up to anything. I make his father confront him every few weeks, but our son simply laughs and says ‘I’m just messing around is all. Nothing to fret about.’

Oh but we do fret.