I Hear She’s a Schoolteacher Now (bp coyle)

There was a time when they were hailed as the next big thing. The critics raved. The new album got five out of five on Q, four out of four on NME. It didn’t sell. That’s the way it went with them.

I was lucky enough catch a performance once, way back when. They were on tour and did a gig in Dublin. It was raining heavy that night, the few who turned up soaked and bedraggled.

She was the one I really wanted to see, not that she was the lead singer. She played keyboards, did backing on some of the tracks. But on two songs she had the main vocal. Her voice timid and unsure, much like her stage presence.

There were a couple of album safter that before it all dissolved into a sea of alcohol and heroin overdoses. I was getting on with life and lost track of them.

I did google them one drunken, nostalgic night. She a schoolteacher now her according to Wikipedea.

Silly and unrealistic as it is, I would love to bump into her sometime, just to tell her how much she once meant to me.