‘Okay,’ I answered, after giving the matter some thought. ‘The saddest song of all time, in my opinion, is Sam…
Uncle Charlie is here. Everyone loves when he came to stay. He’s a record producer and well loaded. He has…
‘Women! I’ll give you a bit of advice Bob,’ I advised Bob. ‘The best bit of advice you’ll ever get…
I knew it! The sun is barely up and already they have that smelly barbecue of theirs going. It’s the…
‘I’m never going back!’ I swore as I walked for the first time around London. A new world, a new…
It’s not the heat keeping me awake tonight, though it is a hot night. I wonder if they are sleeping,…
I handed him his coffee and said, all casual like. ‘Oh, by the way, Jack called this afternoon.’ He snorted…
‘I like you,’ she slurred, punching me a little too hard on the arm. We were both pretty drunk. ‘That’s…
Okay, give me a second, this isn’t easy. It’s been over forty years and it still hurts. So, I must…
Could I just skip it this one time? I’ve already been to three of your family’s get togethers this year.…