Bow Wow (bp coyle)

I suppose our beliefs must seem strange to those who come into our Church for the first time. The Divine Message was delivered to our Great One, it is she who hears the voice of God for us. She might only be nine, yet it is not for us to ask why God chose her to be his Witness. We are lucky that through her, he has given us his word, his law,

She explained it all, how the Lord appears to her in the form of a great black dog and barks his secrets. Each day we bow before his statue.

Yes it was weird to bow to a dog the first few times, it took a little getting used to. And the weekly sacrificing of a cat is certainly not my favourite part of our rituals but most things about being in our little religion are fun. You can hardly taste the cat blood once you mix it with wine and some strong herbs and spices.

I guess, more than anything else, it’s nice to have something to do in the evenings. Some friendly faces to ask how your day has been. How you are feeling…