Derek phoned his wife from work. ‘We need to talk,’ he told her grimly. ‘Meet me in The Red Lion…
My father quieted me. I had been humming and there was the sound of my boots crunching on the snow…
There comes a time in everybody’s life when you realize that it just is not going to happen for you.…
Rio de Janeiro – 2017 The streets were a mess. I was with my girlfriend, Tina, on vacation. It sounds…
‘Remember Mr Harris from number thirty?’ my wife asked as she put my dinner on the table. Frozen pizza, burnt…
It was a Bahamas trip for two. Me and my man. But then I caught him in the bathroom at…
My story with breasts began early. I wasn’t breastfed but when my mother hugged to her or clasped me to…
‘A horse walks into a bar,’ Uncle Tony begins. ‘Oh God,’ I think, ‘here we go again.’ Somehow I always…
It was an easy gig. Talk to the dead. See the future. Children go missing and I reach out to…
We were invited to my mother’s brother’s party. My uncle. He had worked for Pacific Gas and Electric and had…