Come back. Come back to me. It was my mother’s voice. I heard it often in my sleep. I had…
It was so stupid. I only went to the gym in the morning because Dafne went. She went wacko on…
It was customary for astronauts who were leaving Earth permanently to have a party and invite everyone they knew. A…
The transmission came in on the Z channel. The Z channel was an old channel the miners used back when…
In 2018, President Trump announced that we were going back to the moon and appointed a new head of NASA.…
Europa, in its glorious glow, was discovered by the illustrious Galileo and so named after the Cretan queen. She never…
I was annoyed. What was new? Annoyance was my default setting since my morning swim was thwarted by a dead…
Nigel was the color of an electric burner set on medium. Bright red and on the verge of boiling hottest…
I had left the hospital and was still recovering from the killer bee attack when the compulsions started. I drew…
One day ago, the veterinarian for Heath on the Hampshire was found dead in the community pool with a pearly…