They brought thick, stacked pancakes, sizzled bacon, frosted donuts, fried eggs, country potatoes and a big mug of coffee with…
Dear Bob Hope: I am writing to provide you with an excellent comedic addition to your USO Show currently touring…
I never thought of myself as the fatherly type. I had no interest in kids at all. Honestly, when my…
They think they know what’s best for me. Everyone. They all think they know what’s best for me. My parents,…
I ate his purple liver by candlelight. “Delicious,” I murmured with a full mouth. The liver had a spicy note…
I need. I really need. I am needy. Some people don’t need anything at all. I need everything all at…
The drive from the freeway to my home in Palos Verdes was long. Too long. Miles and miles by street.…
“And you’re a cunt,” mumbled the sluggish woman with a frown that made her look half-dead. Two of the mothers…
Every year Mother would say the same thing: ‘We have to invite her, we’re all the family she’s got.’ ‘But…
Once upon a time, there was time and the time sat around us and under us and carried us like a…