‘How was school?’ Dad asked at dinner, as he did every day. I used to find it tedious, predictable, but…
Utopia Novi. that’s what someone named this planet. Someone with a sick sense of humour. New Utopia indeed, a world…
‘God I hate you!!!’ I screamed at them. ‘I hate both of you!’ I stamped my foot like a four…
The quantum drive was down. We were wobbling in our giant ship in the middle of space. The captain had…
I kept having deja vu. I woke up, smoked a cigarette, made coffee, drank one cup, took a shower, and…
I used to be a surgeon, back in the day. Okay, I was a plastic surgeon, making aging women look…
My grandaughter called over today, the youngest one. She’s doing her thesis on ‘The Fall of the Free World’. I…
We chose the wrong side. Now we await our execution. Traitors. Collaborators. Betrayers of humanity. We are despised and vilified.…
They came at night. They always came at night. The darkness cloaked them in mystery, terror, and fear. It also…
We were so lost. A ways back we took the wrong path and now we were cutting through the thick…