Hey, It’s DNA (Poem/Podcast) by Risa Peris

Podcast for February 14, 2025

The biggest trick they pulled was saying all of you was DNA
Mommy humiliated you, your tears dragging your heels, it’s your DNA
They call you names, cigarette ashes in the soul, you’re too sensitive in your DNA
The murderer next door, the robber on the corner, it’s all in the DNA
The prisons bursting, Death Row multiplying, it’s all in the DNA
The six-year-old took the gun and shot his Daddy, it’s his DNA
The president mumbling inciting words as he grabs the ladies, it’s his DNA
The wealthy get little slaves to scrub their toilets, no worry, it’s their DNA
The man who whines like a boy as he paints his face with makeup, hey, it’s his DNA
You wake up at 5 AM, get your kids ready, go to work all day, can’t pay your bills, DNA
Your bank account is negative and the bank punishes you like a predator, it’s their DNA
The corporations are poisoning the air, water, land, don’t worry it’s their DNA
The Earth is warming faster than it should, but hey, it’s in its DNA
You have to have a gene to be a billionaire, it’s in their DNA

There is nothing natural about being a human
Almost every human action is grounded in a culture that excuses certain human actions
And if you have money, all your actions get excused because they’re born with greed
So they say…
But I don’t have to accept that, because it’s in my DNA